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103 Drive 17, 13042, New York

Oneida Lake's premier destination for cottage and boat rentals

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8/22/16: Windy

August 22, 2016


afternoon today at Anglers’ Bay. The sun is shinning but it will be quite windy later this afternoon. It will be a rough ride for boaters later this evening. A little adventure only adds some fun memories to the day. The sun is still out so make sure you wear hats and sunscreen! The weather tomorrow look perfect for paddle sports! Unlike the wind conditions today, tomorrow’s wind is only going to get up to about 6mph. If you are looking to try our some paddle boards or kayaks tomorrow would be a good day. Check out #BattleOfThePaddlesOneida to learn how trying out a SUP board and kayak can win you a free 8 hour pontoon rental.

To see pictures of today’s activities follow us on Instagram and watch our stories.

Tomorrow we have a 7-11 slot open for our 10 person pontoon, call and ask about our Early Morning Special! We also have our 4 person Restorer, we recommend this boat to couples who are looking to cruise around the lake. Our ‘Couple Cruiser’ is available all day. If you are just looking to get some fishing done we do have a 3 person fishing boat available all day as well.

Last of the boats came into for today, saying Oneida Lake was very windy and starting to get very choppy. Tomorrow is going to be better day wind and temperature wise, tomorrow will be one of the best days for paddle sports. No reservations required with kayaks and paddle boards, just come on down to Anglers’ Bay. We are waiting for you!

Tomorrow is the last Leslie’s Journal for the season. Stop in tomorrow and use promo code ‘Leslie’ to get 25% off an hour SUP rental!


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