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Anglers’ Bay Journal

Anglers’ Bay Journal

The Anglers’ Bay journal is written by the staff here at Anglers’ Bay to update you on what is happening throughout the day on the North Shore of Oneida Lake. Reading the journals each day informs you on what happens behind the scenes. Follow our Instagram @AnglersBay and watch our stories for special promo codes and inside looks at Anglers’ Bay life. Follow our Twitter @AnglerysBayNY to find out the availability, promo codes and weather conditions on Oneida Lake. Like us on Facebook.

Leslie's Journal


Calm Day on Oneida Lake

Availability Today

Kayaks on Oneida Lake

Oneida Lake Activities

Pontoon Boat Available Today


5/28/17–Beginning of the Season

8/23/16: Last Day

8/22/16: Windy

8/21/16: Sad Day

8/20/16: Hot Days

8/19/16: Beautiful Day

8/15/16: Summer


8/14/16: Storms

8/8/16: Busy Afternoon

8/7/16: Pittsburgh Boyz

8/6/16: Windy Day

8/5/16: Relaxation

8/2/16: Health

8/1/16: Early Bird Special

7/31/16: July Favorites

7/30/16: Paddle Boards and Kayaks


7/29/16: Hawaiian Shirt Day

7/25/16: Rain Again

7/24/16: Battle of the Paddles

7/22/16: Heat Wave

7/19/16: Boats

7/18/16: Another Storm

7/16/16: Fishing

7/15/16: After the Storm

7/12/16: Wonderful Weather

7/11/16: Sunny Days

Rainy Day Reflections


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